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  • Category: News
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  • Written By: Gina Mangus

The Players Championship winning checkST. JOHNS, Fla.2019年9月30日——为了应对影响圣路易斯市青少年日益增长的行为健康需求. Johns County, 球员锦标赛已经承诺向弗拉格勒医疗保健基金会提供100万美元,以帮助支持冰球突破平台在圣. Johns County public schools.

The gift announcement was made today, 也是全国预防自杀意识月的最后一天, 包括佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯的妻子凯西·德桑蒂斯在内的许多地区和州领导人, Flagler Health+ CEO Jason Barrett, St. Johns County School Board Chair, Kelly Barrera, St. 约翰县学区负责人蒂姆·福森和贾里德·赖斯, Executive Director for THE PLAYERS Championship.

Statewide data reveals that St. 约翰县是全国18-24岁青少年自杀死亡率最高的县. 同样令人担忧的是,他们得不到照顾和支持. In Florida, six out of 10 youth (66.(8%)患有抑郁症和最有可能患抑郁症的人没有接受任何心理健康治疗.

球员们的礼物是帮助领导们改善对圣何塞的访问和支持. 约翰县的学生开发了一个名为B.R.A.V.E. – Be Resilient and Voice Emotions. 由Flagler Health+ Care Connect与St. Johns County School District, B.R.A.V.E. 是为了鼓励当地青少年尽早关注自己的行为健康而建立的, be open to receiving help, address social barriers, and, most importantly, access behavioral health care services at the right time, at the right place.

“要解决当今青少年所面临的复杂的行为健康问题,没有简单的解决办法. It is only through sustained resolve, 来自我们社区中每个利益攸关方的投资和资源,我们将消除耻辱,增加急需的医疗服务,” stated Jason Barrett, President and CEO of Flagler Health+. “来自THE PLAYERS的这份慷慨的礼物确实让我们能够在新学年开始时将这个重要的项目带入生活. With THE PLAYERS support, 我们学区的承诺以及与社区伙伴的合作, 我们将确保每个孩子都能得到他们需要的照顾.”

Through B.R.A.V.E., Flagler Health+ Care Connect作为St . 39所学校的学生行为健康转诊中心. Johns County School District. Care Connect的工作人员发现了整个家庭未被满足的社会需求, 合适的资源和最适合学生的行为健康提供者. 这包括史诗行为保健、儿童之家协会和圣. Augustine Youth Services. 该项目包括护理协调和导航服务, 获得虚拟心理健康咨询访问和24小时危机短信热线. 本学年,已有超过35名学生通过BRAVE被转介到Care Connect.

“我们能够提供这100万美元的礼物是我们对球员锦标赛的巨大支持的直接结果,” said Jared Rice, Executive Director, THE PLAYERS Championship. “Based on the contributions of our volunteers, Proud Partners, sponsors, fans, media, and corporate, civic, and legislative leaders, 地区非营利组织将从超过9美元中受益.25 million, generated from our 2019 tournament. 我们很荣幸能够发起今年的慈善外展活动,支持冰球突破平台和圣. 约翰县公立学校努力改善儿童的入学机会和成绩, grappling with mental health needs. 他们的伙伴关系确实改变了许多家庭和社区的生活.”

“我很感激能生活在这样一个社区,当我们的学生需要时,企业和组织会挺身而出. 球员和冰球突破平台坚定地支持帮助我们的学生,这份礼物将进一步帮助减少耻辱,增加心理健康服务,” said St. Johns County School District Superintendent Tim Forson.


About Flagler Health+

冰球突破平台是一家以促进身体健康为目标的全方位护理企业, social and economic health of Northeast Florida communities. 从与地区学校合作解决青少年行为健康问题到在整个地区的卫生村引入新概念, Flagler Health+ is building healthier communities. Flagler Health+ is an extension of Flagler Hospital, which has a 130-year legacy of caring for the community. Learn more at

About THE PLAYERS Championship

球员锦标赛每年都将高尔夫最好的场地与世界级的场地结合在一起,即TPC Sawgrass的球员体育场球场. Morgan Stanley, Grant Thornton LLP和Optum®是the PLAYERS的独家合作伙伴. 球员比赛的收益将捐给佛罗里达州东北部的慈善机构,自1974年赛事搬到蓬特韦德拉海滩以来,收入总额已超过1亿美元, including a record $9.25 million generated in 2019. For more on THE PLAYERS, visit For more on the surrounding areas, visit or

About Morgan Stanley


银行、证券、财富管理及投资管理服务. With offices in


governments, institutions and individuals. For more information about Morgan Stanley, please


About Grant Thornton LLP

Founded in Chicago in 1924, Grant Thornton LLP (Grant Thornton) is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd, 世界领先的独立审计机构之一, tax and advisory firms. Grant Thornton, which has revenues in excess of $1.8 billion and operates 58 offices, 与各种充满活力的上市公司和私营公司合作, government agencies, financial institutions, and civic and religious organizations.

“Grant Thornton” refers to Grant Thornton LLP, the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, 彼此不为彼此的作为或不作为负责. Please see for further details.

About Optum

Optum是一家领先的信息和技术支持的医疗服务公司,致力于帮助医疗系统更好地为每个人服务. With more than 180,000 people worldwide, Optum delivers intelligent, 帮助实现卫生系统现代化和改善总体人口健康的综合解决方案. Optum is part of UnitedHealth Group (NYSE:UNH). For more information, visit